INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING (All general counseling and addiction / substance abuse counseling services offered, such as:)
- ALL ADDICTIONS and – Substance abuse (Alcohol, Drugs, Codependency, Food, Gambling, Sex, Porn, Internet, Phone, Video Games, Shopping, Work, ETC). IF you aren’t sure if we can help with your addiction call for a free consult to see if our services are right for you) ADDICTION / SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING
- Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency / Addiction Counseling
- Co Dependency Issues
- Alcohol, Drug, Sex, Porn, Gambling, Gaming, and Love Addiction Counseling
- Support And Counseling For Family and Friends Of Addicts and Alcoholics
- 12 Step Support from a Therapeutic Lense
- Walk and Talk Therapy
- Grief and Loss
- Anxiety
- Depression and Mood Disorders
- Trauma / PTSD
- Stress Management
- Relationships
- Parenting
- Self Esteem
- Eating Disorders
- Adoption
- Abuse and Domestic Violence
- Anger Reduction and Management
- Assertiveness Coaching
- Adjustment / Transition Counseling
- Self Harm
- Co Occurring Disorders
- Somatic Experience Counseling
- Narrative Therapy
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Health) / DBT (Dialectal Behavioral Health) / MI (Motivational Interviewing) and other evidence based therapies
- Sandtray Therapy
- Play Therapy
- Alternative Therapy Options Available (call to learn more)